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Blackhead Treatment

When you go to the pharmacy, check the ingredient labels carefully. You’ll find products with salicylic acid that range in strength from 0.5% to 5%. The acid can be harsh on some people’s skin. You might want to put it on every other day, rather than daily, to see how your skin reacts.

As for other acne-fighting ingredients, blackheads don’t contain bacteria, so benzoyl peroxide — a powerful antibacterial against most other forms of acne — may or may not help.

Retinoid creams and lotions 

Retinoid creams and lotions, which are made from vitamin A, can unclog your pores. They also help your body make new skin cells.

You can buy some retinoids over the counter in drugstores, but you’ll need a prescription for most. Because retinoids make your skin more sensitive to UV rays, you should use these creams and lotions before bed and out of the sun.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads
How to Get Rid of Blackheads


“Extraction” might sound scary, but many health professionals know how to remove unsightly blackheads with specialized tools.

You can find home extraction kits in stores. But most medical experts repeat that classic advice: “Don’t try this at home.” A DIY procedure can cause scarring, even if you think you know what you’re doing.

Chemical peels

A chemical peel is usually for people who want to improve the appearance of sun damage and minor scars, but it may help with certain types of acne. The procedure can unclog pores and start up new skin growth.

You get a chemical peel in your doctor’s office. It removes cells from the top layer of your skin.

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