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Blackheads How To Get Rid of (and Prevent) Blackheads


Opt for salicylic acid

“My go-to treatment for blackheads is recommending a salicylic acid wash once a day,” he says. “There are even medicated face wipes that contain it.”

If you want to try salicylic acid, start off by using a product that contains between 2% and 4%. Then, you can modify the amount used by how your skin reacts. If it’s drying you out, opt to go down a bit.

How To Get Rid of (and Prevent) Blackheads: 10 Solutions (Video)
How To Get Rid of (and Prevent) Blackheads: 10 Solutions

Use an alpha or beta hydroxy acid cleanser

Alpha or beta hydroxy acid, also known as AHAs and BHAs, are a group of compounds known for its skin care benefits. Some of the most popular elements in this group include salicylic acid, lactic acid and citric acid.

Another great option for removing blackheads in the AHA family is using a product containing glycolic acid. Aim to use a cleanser with 10%. Glycolic acid serves as a great exfoliator, helping to remove the outer layer of dead skin cells — and those annoying blackheads.

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