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I Revealed My Pregnancy on My Husband’s Birthday, but Realized It Went Wrong When I Saw New Suitcases from Him and Heard, ‘Leaving Tomorrow’


I thought I was giving my husband the perfect birthday gift by revealing my pregnancy, but what I found when I came home turned my world upside down. Seven suitcases, my twins’ confusing explanation, and an unanswered phone made me believe everything was falling apart.

When I found out I was pregnant again, I was thrilled. It felt like the perfect addition to our family. Ryan and I had talked about having another baby a few times over the years, but between his busy work schedule and the chaos of raising our seven-year-old twins, Jake and Liam, we’d decided to just let things happen if they happened.

I didn’t think it actually would for another few years, so when I saw that positive test, I felt like the universe had given me the best surprise. I was so excited to tell Ryan, and with his 35th birthday coming up, I knew exactly how I wanted to break the news.

I decided to make the announcement his birthday gift. Nothing too flashy, just a small box tied with a ribbon and the positive pregnancy test inside.

The morning of his birthday, I had an early doctor’s appointment to confirm the pregnancy and check on everything.

Ryan was still sleeping when I got up, and I didn’t want to wake him. I quietly got ready, grabbed the box from my nightstand, and headed downstairs, where Jake and Liam were eating breakfast.

They knew exactly how to serve their own cereal already. I was immensely proud that they could do things on their own and not disturb us for simple things, so I knew I could trust them with this task.

“Boys,” I said, crouching to their eye level on the kitchen table, “this is a special gift for Daddy. Can you give it to him when he wakes up?”

“What is it, Mom?” Jake asked, his eyes lighting up.

“It’s a surprise,” I said with a smile. “But you have to promise not to open it, okay? Just tell Daddy it’s from me.”

Jake nodded solemnly, taking the box in his hands like he was holding the key to the universe. Liam, of course, was grinning mischievously. “Can we at least shake it to guess what’s inside?”

“No shaking, no peeking!” I said, laughing as I ruffled his hair. “I’ll be back soon, okay!”

After kissing them on the forehead, I rushed out the door. The doctor’s appointment went well. Actually, better than well. Hearing the baby’s heartbeat made my own heart swell. I couldn’t wait to get home and see Ryan’s reaction.

But when I walked through the door later that morning, I stopped dead in my tracks.

Seven suitcases were lined up against the living room wall, their bright colors almost mocking me. They were different sizes: big ones, small ones, and a carry-on.

My first thought was that someone had broken into our house. But that didn’t make sense.

The next thing I noticed as I walked further into the house was that Danielle, our babysitter, was there playing cars with the boys on the kitchen floor. She wasn’t scheduled for today, but Ryan must have called her for whatever reason.

“Oh, hey, Emily!” she called out, waving, and my boys’ eyes brightened when they saw me.

“Mommy!” Jake called out, running up to me with Liam close behind. “Daddy said your gift wasn’t a proper present, so we’re leaving tomorrow!”

I stared at him, my eyes growing wide. “What? Leaving where?”

Liam chimed in, grinning ear to ear. “He said we’re going on an adventure!”

“What adventure?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. “Why are there suitcases everywhere?”

Jake shrugged. “I don’t know. But Daddy said you’re bad at presents, so he’s fixing it.”

My stomach dropped. Ryan didn’t like my gift? I couldn’t understand it. He’d never been the type to care about material things, and I thought the pregnancy news would make him happy. Why would he leave over it?

I pulled out my phone and called him, but it went straight to voicemail. “Ryan,” I said, trying to steady my heartbeat. “What’s going on? Call me back.”

I hung up and called again, and the same thing happened. My heart started racing. I stared at the suitcases, trying to make sense of it. Was he upset about the new baby? Angry?

The boys’ words replayed in my head, “Your gift wasn’t a proper present, so we’re leaving.”

Did that mean he was leaving AND taking the boys with him? Was I being too paranoid? I mean, the boys were excited so it couldn’t be anything bad. Right? Unless Ryan didn’t tell them his entire plan.

I tried calling him again. Nothing. My anxiety was through the roof, and I could almost hear my heartbeat in my ears.

I paced around the house, glancing at the suitcases every few minutes as if they might disappear. The twins had returned to playing with Danielle, thankfully not noticing my concern.

I sat on the couch, trying to calm myself, and recalled Ryan and I’s conversations about having another baby in the last few years. He’d always seemed open and eager about the prospect, but what if he’d changed his mind and didn’t know how to tell me?

Hours passed. Every time I heard a car outside, my heart leaped, only to sink when it wasn’t him. When the front door finally opened, it was dark, and I was in full-blown hysterics.

It was truly a blessing that Danielle was here to distract the boys.

Ryan walked in, smiling like he didn’t have a care in the world. He was carrying a shopping bag and whistling a cheerful tune from a popular musical.

“Hey, Em!” he said cheerfully. “How was your day?”

I didn’t even let him take off his shoes. I rushed over with already watering eyes and grabbed his arm. “Ryan, please don’t leave me! Don’t take the twins from me!”

He looked at me, startled. “What? Emily, what are you talking about?”

“The suitcases!” I cried. “The boys said you’re leaving tomorrow because my gift wasn’t good enough!”

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